A global virtual event dedicated to the latest cardiorenal metabolic disease
treatment strategies to support better patient outcomes
treatment strategies to support better patient outcomes
KDIGO and Translational Medicine Academy (TMA) in partnership with Radcliffe Cardiology are delighted to announce the return of e-SPACE Cardio-Renal-Metabolic (CRM) to be held 22–23 March 2024.
Last year’s event united over 60 renowned experts worldwide, attracting a live global audience of thousands. Click here to watch e-SPACE CRM 2023 on-demand.
e-SPACE CRM 2024 will deliver best-in-class free-to-access virtual education. Bringing together thought leaders from across the globe, this event will both optimise geographical reach whilst delivering both global and regional insight.
A thoughtfully curated programme will support the exploration of how leading experts, in cardiology, nephrology and diabetology, are treating the interrelated diseases. Through a meticulous selection of sessions and discussions, the programme offers a unique opportunity for participants to directly pose questions to the experts.
Building on the success of e-SPACE CRM 2023, the 2024 edition will once again bring together TMA’s mandate for the delivery of continuing professional development to healthcare professionals to achieve concordance with appropriate treatment plans, alongside KDIGO's mission to improve the care and outcomes of patients with kidney disease worldwide through the development and implementation of global clinical practice guidelines, with Radcliffe Cardiology’s goal to deliver cardiovascular knowledge to best support cardiovascular communities transform theory into practice.
Underpinned by the combined expertise in educational content and delivery and guided by an esteemed international faculty, e-SPACE CRM 2024 is poised to be the most expansive and captivating edition to date.
The e-SPACE CRM 2024 conference has been accredited by EBAC® for a maximum of 9 CE credits.
(Please note this programme is subject to change)
Day 1
Plenary Session
Session 1 – Multidisciplinary implementation strategies
Chairs – Andrew Coats & Manisha Sahay
- Multi-level implementation strategies to improve uptake of evidence-based therapies in heart failure – Gianluigi Savarese
- Screening of HF in diabetes: when and why? – Francesco Cosentino
- CRM disease in the primary care setting – Sam Seidu
- Panel Discussion

Meet the Experts
Keynote Session
- KDIGO guideline updates 2024 – Paul Stevens

Plenary Session
Session 2 – Guideline directed therapy for CRM disease: the evidence base
Chairs – Intissar Haddiya & Lars Lund
Guideline directed medical therapy in HF across the LVEF spectrum – Marco Metra
ESC guidelines for the management of CV disease in patients with diabetes – Nikolaus Marx
Management of diabetes with kidney disease – Peter Rossing
Panel Discussion

Meet the Experts
SGLT2i: best practices in implementation across HF, diabetes and CKD
Chair – Michel Jadoul
SGLT2 inhibition across T2DM, CKD and HF: evidence base and rationale for early initiation – Clara Inés Saldarriaga
Practical guidance for the use of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with cardio-renal-metabolic disease – Shelley Zieroth
Panel Discussion
Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca

Meet the Experts
Management of hyperkalemia best practices
The challenge of GDMT implementation in patients with heart failure and comorbidities: patient profiling and potassium management – Gianluigi Savarese
Optimising RAAS inhibitor therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease and comorbidities: long-term hyperkalemia management in practice – James Burton
Panel Discussion
Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca

Plenary Session
Session 3 – Managing the patients with CRM: who gets what, when and why?
Chairs – Gianluigi Savarese & Alice Cheng
The nephrologist view – Adeera Levin
The diabetologist view – Antonio Ceriello
The cardiologist view – Shelley Zieroth
Panel Discussion

Meet the Experts
Optimisation of guideline-directed medical therapy in cardiorenal patients: overcoming the barrier of hyperkalemia
Chair – Ileana Piña
Guideline-directed medical therapy in cardiorenal patients: advances and implementation gaps – Iris Beldhuis
Long-term hyperkalemia management in cardiorenal patients: potassium binders as enabling therapy – David Wheeler
Panel Discussion
Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from CSL Vifor

Plenary Session
Session 4 – Weight homeostasis management in CRM disease
Chairs – Scott Isaacs & Peter Rossing
Impact of weight loss in CRM disease – Muthiah Vaduganathan
How can cardiologists manage excess body weight? – Stefan Anker
GLP1-Ra: a role as next HF drug? – Javed Butler
Panel Discussion
Organised with support from Charité Friends & Sponsors Trust

Plenary Session
Session 5 – CRM disease: epidemiology and pathophysiology
Chairs – Ahmed Bennis & Ileana Piña
Prevalence and overlap of cardiac, renal and metabolic conditions – Giulia Ferrannini
Cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome: a consensus definition – Chiadi Ndumele
Heart failure: an underappreciated complication of diabetes – Rodica Pop-Busui
Panel Discussion

Meet the Experts
Replay of Keynote Session
KDIGO guideline updates 2024 – Paul Stevens

Day 2
Plenary Session
Session 6 – Anaemia and iron deficiency
Chairs – John Cleland & Gerasimos Filippatos
Update on IV iron – Ewa Jankowska
Novel anaemia therapies in chronic kidney disease: conclusions from a KDIGO Controversies Conference – David Wheeler
IV iron use in the era of SGLT2 inhibitors: what should physicians know – Kieran Docherty
Panel Discussion

Meet the Experts
Practical implementation of non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists to reduce cardiorenal risk
Muthiah Vaduganathan & David Charytan

Plenary Session
Session 7 – Clinical presentations and treatment across the patient journey: focus on CKD and CVD
Chairs – Michel Jadoul & Stephan Von Haehling
Biological differences between men and women – Sofia Ahmed
Life span considerations (from birth to young adults) – Rukshana Shroff
Life span considerations (ageing and the older person) – Elke Schaeffner
Panel Discussion

Plenary Session
Session 8 – Early intervention and intensive management
Chairs – Nooshin Bazargani & Vijay Chopra
Comprehensive management of the patient with CRM disease – Deepak Bhatt
Myth busting potassium management in CRM disease – Michelle Wong
The role of new non-steroidal MRAs – George Bakris
Panel Discussion

Meet the Experts
Effects of GLP- 1RA on kidney outcomes in CKD and T2D
Stefan Anker & Peter Rossing

Plenary Session
Session 9 – Precision medicine in CRM
Chairs – Paul Stevens & Harriette Van Spall
Novel risk prediction equations (cardiac disease) – Josef Coresh
Novel risk prediction equations (kidney disease) – Navdeep Tangri
Translational science (target pathways) – Wenjun Ju
Panel Discussion


Dr Sofia Ahmed
University of Calgary, Calgary, CA
Prof Stefan Anker
Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin, DE
Prof George Bakris
University of Chicago, Illinois, US
Dr Nooshin Bazargani
Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, AE
Dr Iris Beldhuis
University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL
Prof Ahmed Bennis
Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Casablanca, MA
Prof Deepak Bhatt
Mount Sinai Heart, New York, US
Prof James Burton
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Dr Javed Butler
Baylor Scott and White Research Institute, Texas, US
Prof Antonio Ceriello
IRCCS MultiMedica, Milan, IT
Dr David Charytan
NYU Langone Health, New York, US
Dr Alice Cheng
University of Toronto, Toronto, CA
Prof John Cleland
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Prof Andrew Coats
Heart Research Institute, NSW, AU
Dr Josef Coresh
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Maryland, US
Prof Francesco Cosentino
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE
Dr Kieran Docherty
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Dr Giulia Ferrannini
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE
Prof Gerasimos Filippatos
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GR
Prof Intissar Haddiya
Mohamed First University, Oujda, MA
Prof Scott Isaacs
Atlanta Endocrine Associates, Georgia, US
Prof Michel Jadoul
Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE
Prof Ewa Jankowska
Wrocław Medical University, Wrocław, PL
Dr Wenjun Ju
University of Michigan Medical School, Michigan, US
Dr Adeera Levin
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA
Prof Lars Lund
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, SE
Prof Nikolaus Marx
RWTH University Hospital Aachen, Aachen, DE
Prof Marco Metra
University of Brescia, Brescia, IT
Dr Chiadi Ndumele
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Maryland, US
Dr Ileana Pina
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, US
Prof Rodica Pop-Busui
University of Michigan Medical Center, Michigan, US
Giuseppe Rosano
St Georges Medical School, London, UK
Prof Peter Rossing
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK
Dr Manisha Sahay
Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad, IN
Prof Clara Inés Saldarriaga
University of Antioquia, Medellín, CO
Dr Gianluigi Savarese
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE
Dr Elke Schaeffner
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE
Prof Sam Seidu
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Dr Rukshana Shroff
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK
Dr Paul Stevens
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, Canterbury, UK
Dr Navdeep Tangri
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, CA
Prof Muthiah Vaduganathan
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Massachusetts, US
Prof Harriette Van Spall
McMaster University, Hamilton, CA
Prof Stephan Von Haehling
University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, DE
Prof David Wheeler
University College London, London, UK
Dr Michelle Wong
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA
Prof Shelley Zieroth
St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg, CA-
Review the burden of diabetes, kidney disease and heart failure including morbidity, excess mortality, and reduced quality of life affecting individuals around the world
Describe the complexity and interlink between the three conditions
Discuss existing guidelines and best approaches for screening patients
Review evidence-based management strategies for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, kidney disease & obesity including SLGT2i, GLP-1RA, new non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists and other emerging therapies
Foster cross-collaboration between other cardiorenal / metabolic specialists and primary care physicians and allied health care professionals in order to improve patients outcomes
General Practitioners (GPs)
HF Specialists
Nurses, Pharmacists, and other Allied Healthcare Professionals
If you’re interested in becoming an educational partner or sponsor at this event, please contact sales@radcliffe-group.com
KDIGO is a global organisation developing and implementing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in kidney disease. It is an independent, volunteer-led, self-managed foundation incorporated in Belgium and accountable to the public and the patients it serves.
KDIGO’s mission is to improve the care and outcomes of patients with kidney disease worldwide through the development and implementation of global clinical practice guidelines.
For more information on KDIGO, please visit https://kdigo.org.
About Translational Medicine Academy
Our ambition at the Translational Medicine Academy® (TMA) is to bring medical findings from bench to bedside and into the working lives of physicians and the care of patients. In seeking to improve therapeutic approaches, TMA works with its International Scientific Advisory Board on Critical Mission Areas® of public health importance in domains where there are educational shortcomings among physicians and unmet healthcare needs among patients.
Gathered around a Scientific Advisory Board of experts, the Translational Medicine Academy is an international non-profit Foundation with headquarter in Basel, and offices in Paris, and the US. TMA’s funding includes private donations from individuals and educational grants from governments, non-governmental organizations and corporations.
For more information on TMA, please visit www.tmacademy.org.
About Radcliffe Cardiology
We are Radcliffe, a knowledge network for the cardiovascular community
We’re here to bring cardiovascular knowledge, insight and innovation to life for clinicians around the world, using our communications and creative expertise, our platforms and connections across the community to help transform theory into practice faster and more effectively.
We bring medical knowledge to life
From great science writing and smart journal editing, the curation of evidence based and peer-reviewed content, to engaging new formats that cut through the noise, we believe that communication is at the heart of great healthcare.
Our work is underpinned by 3 core principles:
- We build on the best science
- We work hands-on with our community
- We bring fresh thinking
Our promise is that we’ll equip you with the latest knowledge and skills you need, to do the best for your patients.
For more information on Radcliffe Cardiology, please visit www.radcliffecardiology.com.
Please contact events@radcliffe-group.com should you have any queries.